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Bucket Biryani in India | Bucket Biryani Franchise

Posted 1 year ago

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Bucket Biryani in India | Bucket Biryani Franchise

Posted 1 year ago
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The Bucket biryani franchise is a popular and affordable meal option in India that has gained immense popularity over the years. It is a complete meal that is served in a bucket, which makes it easy to carry and share with friends and family. The Biryani is typically made with aromatic long-grain rice, fragrant spices, and tender pieces of meat or vegetables.

The concept of bucket biryani has become so popular that it has spawned several franchises across India. These franchises offer a wide range of biryanis with different flavors and options to suit everyone's taste buds. Some franchises have even gone a step further and offer home delivery services, making it even more convenient for customers to enjoy their favorite bucket biryani in the comfort of their homes.

For those interested in starting a food business, the bucket biryani franchise is a great option. With the popularity of this meal option, a franchise can offer a proven business model with a loyal customer base. The initial investment required for starting a bucket biryani franchise is relatively low, making it an accessible option for entrepreneurs with limited capital. Overall, bucket biryani is a delicious and affordable meal option that has become an integral part of the Indian food culture, and its popularity is only set to grow in the coming years.


Condition: New
Transaction: Sell

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Green Bucket Biryani
Green Bucket Biryani Registered for 1+ year Last online 1 year ago
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    Seller details Details

    Green Bucket Biryani
    Green Bucket Biryani
    1 active listings
    Private Seller
    Registered for 1+ year
    Last online 1 year ago
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    Listing location

    4JVF+C4F, RT Road, Vidyanagar, Suryapet, Telangana, 508213, 508213, Vidyanagar, Suriāpet, Telangana, India
    17.8495919, 79.1151663

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    Bucket Biryani in India | Bucket Biryani Franchise
    Check with seller Bucket Biryani in India | Bucket Biryani Franchise by Green Bucket Biryani
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