
Check with seller
ASTERISK VOIP service provider with an Expert.

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Posted 1 year ago

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ASTERISK VOIP service provider with an Expert.

Other Services
Posted 1 year ago
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Asterisk is a free, open-source software that provides a platform for building communication applications. It is commonly used as a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) system, allowing organizations to manage phone calls, voicemail, conference calls, and other communication features.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a technology that allows voice communications to be transmitted over the internet instead of traditional phone lines. Asterisk is commonly used in conjunction with VoIP to create phone systems that are more cost-effective, flexible, and scalable than traditional phone systems.

Here are some key features of Asterisk and VoIP:

Flexible call routing: With Asterisk and VoIP, you can route calls to any device, regardless of its location. This means that employees can work from home, a satellite office, or on the road and still be connected to the main phone system.

Voicemail: Asterisk includes a built-in voicemail system that can be customized to fit your organization's needs. You can set up voicemail boxes for individual employees or departments, and users can access their voicemail messages from any device.

Conference calls: Asterisk allows you to set up conference calls with multiple participants. You can configure the system to allow participants to join the call via a web browser, phone, or other device.

Integration with other applications: Asterisk can be integrated with other applications, such as CRM systems, to provide a more seamless user experience. For example, when a customer calls, their information can be displayed on the employee's screen, allowing them to quickly access the customer's account information.

Cost savings: VoIP can be significantly cheaper than traditional phone systems because it uses the internet to transmit calls. This means that you can save money on long-distance calls and international calls.

Overall, Asterisk and VoIP provide organizations with a flexible, cost-effective, and scalable communication solution. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Asterisk can be customized to fit your specific needs.

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    23.0216238, 72.5797068

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    ASTERISK VOIP service provider with an Expert.
    Check with seller ASTERISK VOIP service provider with an Expert. by Asterisk2voip
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